Farewell to Mr Gunnell

Farewell to Mr Gunnell

All the staff and pupils at Nenagh CNS want to thank John for the 5 fantastic years that we had the honour of calling him our Principal. John joined our school in September 2019 and has lead our school team as we navigated the many changes of the past 5 years. His...
Senior infant play ‘ You are Special’

Senior infant play ‘ You are Special’

Senior infants are busy preparing for our end of year play ” You are Special”. This is a story about the Wemmicks. The Wemmicks are small wooden people. All day, every day the Wemmicks give each other stickers. Stars for the gifted and beautiful and dots...
Toy Donation

Toy Donation

A big thank you to Benny in third class for kindly donating some of his toys to our Sonas classes!